DNSThought - The raw data

Atlas measurements used with DNSThought:

mdm_id query purpose
8310237 o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT IP seen at authoritative
8310245 whoami.akamai.net A IP seen at authoritative
8310366 <prb_id>.<time>.ripe-hackathon6.nlnetlabs.nl AAAA IPv6 seen at authoritative (IPv6 capability)
8310250 qnamemintest.internet.nl TXT QNAME Minimization
8310360 <prb_id>.<time>.tc.ripe-hackathon4.nlnetlabs.nl A TCP Capability
8310364 <prb_id>.<time>.tc.ripe-hackathon6.nlnetlabs.nl AAAA TCP on IPv6 Capability
8311777 nxdomain.ripe-hackathon2.nlnetlabs.nl A NXDOMAIN Rewriting
8311760 secure.ripe-hackathon2.nlnetlabs.nl. A DNSSEC Reference query
8311763 bogus.ripe-hackathon2.nlnetlabs.nl. A DNSSEC Capability
15283670 root-key-sentinel-not-ta-19036.d2a8n3.rootcanary.net A Root Trust Anchor Sentinel support
15283671 root-key-sentinel-not-ta-20326.d2a8n3.rootcanary.net A Root Trust Anchor Sentinel KSK 20326 vailability
16430285 root-key-sentinel-is-ta-20326.d2a8n3.rootcanary.net A Root Trust Anchor Sentinel KSK 20326 Availability
79189704 root-key-sentinel-is-ta-38696.d2a8n3.rootcanary.net A Root Trust Anchor Sentinel KSK 38696 Availability (see RFC 8509)
79189705 root-key-sentinel-not-ta-38696.d2a8n3.rootcanary.net A Root Trust Anchor Sentinel KSK 38696 vailability
16456440 . DNSKEY Root DNSKEY rollover
16456441 . RRSIG Root DNSKEY rollover
19185448 $r.$p.$t.flagday.rootcanary.net. A DNS Flag Day measurements
19256455 $r.$p.$t.flagday.rootcanary.net. A DNS Flag Day measurements with qbuf
23865475 $r-$t-$p.invalid.valid4.rootcanary.net. A IPv4 Route origin Validation
23865476 $r-$t-$p.invalid.valid6.rootcanary.net. AAAA IPv6 Route origin Validation
8926853 secure.d2a1n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSA/MD5 support
8926854 bogus.d2a1n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSA/MD5 support
8926855 secure.d2a3n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY DSA support
8926856 bogus.d2a3n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY DSA support
8926857 secure.d2a5n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA1 support
8926858 bogus.d2a5n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA1 support
8926859 secure.d2a6n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY DSA-NSEC3 support
8926860 bogus.d2a6n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY DSA-NSEC3 support
8926861 secure.d2a7n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA1-NSEC3 support
8926862 bogus.d2a7n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA1-NSEC3 support
8926863 secure.d2a8n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA256 support
8926864 bogus.d2a8n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA256 support
8926865 secure.d2a10n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA512 support
8926866 bogus.d2a10n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY RSASHA512 support
8926867 secure.d2a12n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ECC-GOST support
8926868 bogus.d2a12n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ECC-GOST support
8926869 secure.d2a13n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ECDSAP256SHA256 support
8926870 bogus.d2a13n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ECDSAP256SHA256 support
8926871 secure.d2a14n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ECDSAP384SHA384 support
8926872 bogus.d2a14n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ECDSAP384SHA384 support
8926873 secure.d2a15n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ED25519 support
8926874 bogus.d2a15n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ED25519 support
8926875 secure.d2a16n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ED448 support
8926876 bogus.d2a16n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA256, DNSKEY ED448 support
8926877 secure.d3a1n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSA/MD5 support
8926878 bogus.d3a1n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSA/MD5 support
8926879 secure.d3a3n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY DSA support
8926880 bogus.d3a3n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY DSA support
8926881 secure.d3a5n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA1 support
8926882 bogus.d3a5n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA1 support
8926883 secure.d3a6n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY DSA-NSEC3 support
8926884 bogus.d3a6n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY DSA-NSEC3 support
8926885 secure.d3a7n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA1-NSEC3 support
8926886 bogus.d3a7n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA1-NSEC3 support
8926887 secure.d3a8n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA256 support
8926888 bogus.d3a8n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA256 support
8926889 secure.d3a10n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA512 support
8926890 bogus.d3a10n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY RSASHA512 support
8926891 secure.d3a12n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ECC-GOST support
8926892 bogus.d3a12n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ECC-GOST support
8926893 secure.d3a13n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ECDSAP256SHA256 support
8926894 bogus.d3a13n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ECDSAP256SHA256 support
8926895 secure.d3a14n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ECDSAP384SHA384 support
8926896 bogus.d3a14n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ECDSAP384SHA384 support
8926897 secure.d3a15n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ED25519 support
8926898 bogus.d3a15n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ED25519 support
8926899 secure.d3a16n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ED448 support
8926900 bogus.d3a16n1.rootcanary.net A DS GOST, DNSKEY ED448 support
8926901 secure.d4a1n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSA/MD5 support
8926902 bogus.d4a1n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSA/MD5 support
8926903 secure.d4a3n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY DSA support
8926904 bogus.d4a3n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY DSA support
8926905 secure.d4a5n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA1 support
8926906 bogus.d4a5n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA1 support
8926907 secure.d4a6n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY DSA-NSEC3 support
8926908 bogus.d4a6n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY DSA-NSEC3 support
8926909 secure.d4a7n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA1-NSEC3 support
8926910 bogus.d4a7n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA1-NSEC3 support
8926911 secure.d4a8n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA256 support
8926912 bogus.d4a8n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA256 support
8926913 secure.d4a10n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA512 support
8926914 bogus.d4a10n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY RSASHA512 support
8926915 secure.d4a12n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ECC-GOST support
8926916 bogus.d4a12n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ECC-GOST support
8926917 secure.d4a13n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ECDSAP256SHA256 support
8926918 bogus.d4a13n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ECDSAP256SHA256 support
8926919 secure.d4a14n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ECDSAP384SHA384 support
8926920 bogus.d4a14n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ECDSAP384SHA384 support
8926921 secure.d4a15n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ED25519 support
8926922 bogus.d4a15n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ED25519 support
8926923 secure.d4a16n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ED448 support
8926924 bogus.d4a16n1.rootcanary.net A DS SHA384, DNSKEY ED448 support

columns of the csv result tables

The CSV files contain capability/propterty status reports for the above measurements, for each (probe ID, probe resolver) combination. A (probe ID, probe resolver) report occurs only once an hour.

column name type
datetime datetime in ISO 8601 format
probe ID integer
probe resolver IPv4 or IPv6 address
o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT IPv4 or NULL
whoami.akamai.net A IPv4 or NULL
ripe-hackathon6.nlnetlabs.nl AAAA IPv6 or NULL
can_ipv6 1 = true, 0 = false
can_tcp 1 = true, 0 = false
cap_tcp6 1 = true, 0 = false
ecs_mask int8_t
ecs_mask6 int8_t
does_ecs 1 = true, 0 = false
does_flagday 1 = true, 0 = false
does_rov4 1 = true, 0 = false
does_rov6 1 = true, 0 = false
does_qnamemin 1 = true, 0 = false
doesnt_qnamemin 1 = true, 0 = false
hijacked #0 IPv4 or NULL
hijacked #1 IPv4 or NULL
hijacked #2 IPv4 or NULL
hijacked #3 IPv4 or NULL
does_nxdomain 1 = true, 0 = false
doesnt_nxdomain 1 = true, 0 = false
has_ta_19036 1 = true, 0 = false
hasnt_ta_19036 1 = true, 0 = false
has_ta_20326 1 = true, 0 = false
hasnt_ta_20326 1 = true, 0 = false
can_rsamd5 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_rsamd5 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_rsamd5 1 = true, 0 = false
can_dsa 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_dsa 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_dsa 1 = true, 0 = false
can_rsasha1 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_rsasha1 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_rsasha1 1 = true, 0 = false
can_dsansec3 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_dsansec3 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_dsansec3 1 = true, 0 = false
can_rsansec3 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_rsansec3 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_rsansec3 1 = true, 0 = false
can_rsasha256 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_rsasha256 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_rsasha256 1 = true, 0 = false
can_rsasha512 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_rsasha512 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_rsasha512 1 = true, 0 = false
can_eccgost 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_eccgost 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_eccgost 1 = true, 0 = false
can_ecdsa256 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_ecdsa256 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_ecdsa256 1 = true, 0 = false
can_ecdsa384 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_ecdsa384 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_ecdsa384 1 = true, 0 = false
can_ed25519 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_ed25519 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_ed25519 1 = true, 0 = false
can_ed448 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_ed448 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_ed448 1 = true, 0 = false
can_gost 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_gost 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_gost 1 = true, 0 = false
can_sha284 1 = true, 0 = false
cannot_sha284 1 = true, 0 = false
broken_sha284 1 = true, 0 = false